ENV 100 Humans and the Environment (3 credits)Introduction to the relationship of man and his environment. Current thinking and research concerning the impact of industrialization and urbanization on environmental quality, including the population explosion; the potential decline of the affluent society by the depletion of natural resources; the pollution of air, land surface, and water; and the public agencies and policies designed to solve environmental problems.
Prerequisite: Must have completed with a C or better or be currently enrolled in: MATH 116 or MATH 116E or MATH 120 or MATH 120E or MATH 126 or MATH 126E or higher.
Current Offerings
ENV 422 Environmental Regulation and Compliance (3 credits)A review of the important environmental regulations - federal, state, and local - and the processes and methods of compliance with those regulations. The NEPA process is a major component of this course, from points of view of both the regulatory agencies and the entities with activities falling under the regulations.
Current Offerings