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Arysta Sweat
Director of Accessibility Services/Title IX Coordinator
Phone: 775.327.2336

Question mark written on a wall.

Student Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to the DRC's most commonly asked questions.


Accommodations are provided based on documentation-supported access needs. Accommodations offered at GBC include, but are not limited to:

  • Extended time on exams
  • Accessible text
  • Quiet Testing Room
  • Use of a Recording Device
  • Note-taker
  • American Sign Language Interpreter
  • Captioning
  • Speech to Text/Text to Speech

Maybe. Colleges are not under the same legal requirements as K-12 schools. K-12 disability services focus on meeting the individual education needs of the student, which may involve modifying course standards. College disability services center on removing barriers to equal opportunity. For more detailed information on differences in K-12 and college disability services, please visit the DRC Transitioning from High School section of the Accessibility web page.

Colleges are not required to pay for assessments or the costs of attaining documentation. Students are responsible for providing appropriate documentation at their own expense at GBC.

All students at GBC may receive tutoring through the GBC Academic Success Center, but specialized tutoring is not provided. However, the DRC is available to provide equal access supports specific to tutoring.

No. These are considered personal services not covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act. However, the DRC will provide lab assistants if needed.

Each semester, students must notify their instructors of which accommodations they would like to use in each class using GBC’s AIM system. Instructions on how to select accommodation may be found on the Accommodations Student Guide page. After students select and send their accommodations, they should reach out to their instructors to discuss implementation of accommodations, as implementation may look different for different courses.

Students should use the following protocol to address concerns regarding accommodation denials or equal access related to a disability:

  1. To help ensure timely addressing of concerns and situations, students should notify Arysta Sweat, Student Disability Services Coordinator, at, of any concerns related to equal treatment or denial of accommodation requests no later than 30 days after the alleged infraction. This notification should include the student's concern or situation and include any relevant information that might assist the DRC in its investigation.
  2. The Student Disability Services Coordinator will investigate the concern or allegation to determine if equal access was denied within 30 days of receiving the complaint
  3. The Student Disability Services Coordinator will serve as the advocate to resolve the problem/situation.
  4. If resolution cannot be reached, the Student Disability Services Coordinator will file a report with the Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA). The VPSA will review the facts of the allegation and consult with the appropriate college departments, administration, and faculty. Recommendations will then be made with the goal of resolving the conflict.
  5. If the above steps do not bring about a satisfactory resolution, the individual may contact the Affirmative Action Officer of GBC (the contact information for the GBC Affirmative Action Officer can be found in the GBC General Catalog on the GBC webpage: and follow the established procedures of that office.
  6. For more information about the rights of individuals with disabilities, please see the U.S. Department of Education's "Disability Discrimination" page.

For More Information Contact

Arysta Sweat
Director of Accessibility Services/Title IX Coordinator
Phone: 775.327.2336

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Great Basin College, "The Gold Standard in the Silver State", offers associate and baccalaureate level education in academic, career and technical fields. Welcoming over 4,000 students annually from all corners of the country, both online and at our various campuses and centers, GBC's presence extends across two time zones and spans more than 86,000 square miles throughout Nevada. A leader in rural higher education, GBC takes pride in developing students who are well-prepared to meet the demands of industry and who contribute to the success and prosperity of the local economy.

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